Support Bend Church

Thank you for your interest in supporting Bend United Methodist Church and its ministries.
Your decision to give makes it possible for us to serve others here in Bend and around the world.
We are called to give because God first gave to us.
Our gifts are used to minister to others in the name of Jesus.

How do I give?

We provide several simple, safe, and secure methods of giving your gifts.

  • Online Giving:
    • Breeze: Use this QR code to donate directly to our Breeze database.
    • Text “GIVE” TO 541-940-8799
  • By Mail: Send your donation to Bend United Methodist Church, 680 NW Bond St., Bend, OR 97703. Be sure to include your name and address on the check or envelope so that a statement of giving may be provided to you for tax purposes.

    Bend First United Methodist Church Foundation

    The Foundation was established to support the religious, charitable, and educational activities of the church. This endowment fund receives individual donations as well as gifts of all kinds from wills and trusts. The income generated by the invested funds supports both existing programs and special projects that are outside the church’s annual budget. To receive more information and find out how you can make a donation, please call the church office at 541.382.1672.