Our Children’s Ministry Program partners with parents to help children grow in faith and character. It is based on the church’s vision of helping everyone “live a life of love centered in faith, fellowship and service.”
Children have the opportunity to deepen their faith through our Sunday School curriculum, the Time for Young Christians, and Vacation Bible School.
We provide children and families with many opportunities for fellowship throughout the year. Some of these opportunities include the all-church picnic, the annual Halloween party, the Children’s Gift Workshop, Shrove Tuesday celebration, family game night, the annual talent show, quarterly family dinners, and many more.
The Children and Family Ministries has a strong focus on providing opportunities for children and families to participate in service projects that benefit people both locally and globally. This year, our service projects have supported the efforts of Laundry Love, The Backdoor Cafe, Imagine No Malaria, the Coat Closet, MountainStar Family Relief Nursery, City Thrift, and the Environmental Center’s Learning Garden.
Sunday School
Children’s Sunday School is available during the 9 am worship service. Children begin in the sanctuary for opening music and the Time for Young Christians, and then they are invited to gather down front for a special lesson and prayer with our pastor or other staff. After that, teachers lead the children to their classrooms for Sunday School. The first Sunday of each month, all the classes will meet in the Fellowship Hall for a children and youth worship time including singing songs, listening to Bible stories, and making arts and crafts. Children return to their families in the sanctuary to take part in the communion service. This is a wonderful opportunity for children of all ages to get to know each other and to worship together! For the remaining Sundays of the month, parents pick up their children from the Sunday School class after the worship service.
Sunday School Classes:
- Preschool – Kindergarten: Downstairs in Room 102. Students read Bible stories, learn fun songs, play games, and create arts and crafts. This is a wonderful class for meeting new friends and learning about God’s love.
- 1st – 3rd Grade: Upstairs in Room 401. This group uses the Joyful Path, Year One and Two curriculum from The Center for Progressive Christianity. This curriculum gives children the foundation they need to walk the path of Jesus in today’s world. For more information and to view sample lessons, you can find details on their website.
- 4th – 6th Grade: Upstairs in Room 402. This group also uses The Joyful Path, Year One and Two curriculum.
- Summer Classes: Sunday School in the Garden is held for children ages 4 to12 during the 9 am service at the Environmental Center’s Learning Garden located right next door to our church. Children learn about God’s creation and how they can become good stewards of it, while helping our neighbors at the Environmental Center tend their garden. This program starts the end of June and runs through the end of August.
Child Care
Child care is available during both services for children from newborn to 5 years old.
Vacation Bible School (VBS)
VBS is a weeklong event held in June during the summer vacation from school. Children come to the church everyday from 9 am to noon. There is a different and exciting theme every year. The children learn songs, participate in craft projects, and are taught Christian curriculum in a fun setting. Watch for the signup instructions or call the church office if you would like your child to attend.